Movies, movies, movies. And my boring opinion of them.

Wednesday 17 July 2013

94. Apocalypto

It is currently an extremely difficult time to like Mel Gibson. It has been the same since his first, of many, anti semitic rants less than six months before the release of this film.
That being said, what Gibson has managed to pull off with Apocalypto is a back to basics action film that is better than 99.9% of any studio's summer tent pole movies.
The story is simple. Jaguar Paw, having been kidnapped and almost sacrificed, must escape and find his way back to the family he left hidden in a well. Sounds straight forward enough but his journey there and his eventual bettering of the majority of his pursuers barely lets you pause for breath.
The virtually unknown cast do wonders creating a world with humour, fear, love and hate all in equal measure and it is a testament to the direction of Gibson that even though the entire film is spoken in Mayan, there is never a moment where you are given time to register this because you become encompassed in the plight of Jaguar Paw.
This is an almost perfectly made film from start to finish, and has one of the most original and inventive endings in movie history.

Tuesday 16 July 2013

95. Cold Weather

This little seen gem slipped under the radar back in 2011, probably due to the slow, methodical plotting that takes place.
The fact that the story goes a long at it's own pace is a credit to director Aaron Katz, who resists the temptation to turn the film into an action centred detective tale.
The story is simply about a guy trying to find out the truth about his ex girlfriend's disappearance and the result is a fascinating and funny mixture of mumblecore and Sherlock Holmes (who is referenced throughout).
A truly brilliant film, well presented and should be seen by everyone.