Movies, movies, movies. And my boring opinion of them.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

96. The Descent

I love horror movies so its a bit of a surprise there aren't more on this list. This is probably due to me being exposed to horrors such as Hellraiser and Nightmare on Elm Street from as early as ten years old. Social services weren't impressed. Anyhow it meant that it takes a lot from a film to frighten me and The Descent is the only film I can remember which actually scared me and where it had me guessing as to what would happen next. Bear in mind I had already seen all the classic horrors such as Texas Chain Saw, Exorcist and Halloween, all of which are fantastic films but they didn't scare me like The Descent did.
Full of originality such as the all female cast, all natural light sources and the most harrowing of bleak and dark endings you are ever likely to see.

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